• Karl Friedrich Meckel„Die Stiftung soll im Dienst der Völkerverständigung und des Weltfriedens für eine Gemeinschaft von Studenten verschiedener Nationalitäten Heimstätten errichten und unterhalten.“

    Karl Friedrich Meckel *04.01.1905 - †23.10.1969


Mein Jahr in Mannheim war mehr als ein Studium, es war eine Lebenserfahrung.

Rebeccah Dawson (Carrboro)


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Hala Refaat Gaidy

I would like to thank you for providing me with this scholarship. Despite finishing my studies in the university, I was not able to further my education due to the lack of resources since the loss of my father in 2012. Therefore, this scholarship program gives me the hope to develop my potential in the legal sphere. It helped me a lot in considering my studying in Mannheim, especially in the beginning, since at the beginning I had to pay a lot of money to settle down. My experience in Mannheim was very exciting and a bit tiring as well. As for the accommodation, in the beginning I was staying at a hotel for week. At that time I was very worried that I wouldn’t be able to find a place to live in. After a week from my staying I found a place in Ludwigshafen, but at the beginning I found it difficult to reach home easily, since the lines of the buses and the trams changed for a while due to some constructions in the streets. As for making friends that was very easy and interesting. All my colleagues are very friendly and nice. As for my studies in the university I can say honestly that all the university stuff starting from the international office, the program coordinator, the faculty staff and the professors are really helpful and I really appreciate their effort to make everything smooth and easy for us. Your scholarship helped me a lot in providing me the needed financial support. I greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for considering me.

Hala Refaat Gaidy

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