• Karl Friedrich Meckel„Die Stiftung soll im Dienst der Völkerverständigung und des Weltfriedens für eine Gemeinschaft von Studenten verschiedener Nationalitäten Heimstätten errichten und unterhalten.“

    Karl Friedrich Meckel *04.01.1905 - †23.10.1969


Mein Jahr in Mannheim war mehr als ein Studium, es war eine Lebenserfahrung.

Rebeccah Dawson (Carrboro)


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Regarding the Ekkehard Guesthouse apartment, I believe this scholarship would be the best offer you will ever get in Mannheim

I have been living in Mannheim for 3 months starting from August 2014. To me, Mannheim is not only a nice city to live, nice competitive environment for studying but also a brilliant place to start your business network with extremely talented students.

Currently, I am a master student who is pursuing the Master in Management. My study will last until 2016. Fortunately, I have been accepted in Ekkehard Scholarship when arriving and got a not only nice apartment but also great location to discover the whole city. Ekkehard Guesthouse locates in L2, Mannheim, which is actually the center of the city. From here, technically you could do everything with just a short time: going grocery, shopping, studying etc… Moreover, it is also near main public transport lines of Mannheim so it would save you a lot of time to travel, and safe as well.

Mannheim is a great place to live. This international city attracts a lot of great students, researchers around the world, thus a good place to start or extend your business networks. Furthermore, it is quite safer haven compared to other big cities in Germany. Regarding to the city design, I was so amused about the city’s center, which is called Quadrate. Although this city is quite newly rebuilt place, its beauty is what makes me want to come back again.

Regarding the study environment, in my opinion, I think this is the best place so far in my life that could provide not only updated materials, modern facilities, great teamwork environment, but also a hectic competitiveness. I have to admit that I spent more time in the library than in my own room. Not because I was forced to compete with colleagues or chase the deadline, but because it actually gives me the vibes to enthusiastically go to the workplace, meet people and study with passion. Nevertheless, if you never feel great in studying, you should better experience once in Mannheim

Regarding the Ekkehard Guesthouse apartment, I believe this scholarship would be the best offer you will ever get in Mannheim. First of all, the rent is amazingly cheap compared to the facilities and condition of the apartment. The room is quite new and Ekkehard provides you mostly everything so you wouldn’t have to shop for furniture and kitchen wares. Secondly, you could actually rent the Guesthouse living room to celebrate and actually there are a lot of events held by the Guesthouse that you could join. Thirdly, laundry is amusingly convenient since it locates in the base floor and there are a lot of machines to use. The only complain is the Internet in my room which is quite weak. Although it is still usable, it creates quite an issue when I need to collect, study in my room.

To sum up, Mannheim is a great place so far with my 3 month experience. People living here is very friendly, international and actually very young since they all are students. If you are a person who has a thirst for knowledge and for a competitive environment, you should come to Mannheim.

Ich hatte im Gästehaus der Universität Mannheim eine gute Zeit und bin sehr dankbar dafür, dass ich die Möglichkeit hatte, hier zu wohnen

Im September 2013 bin ich nach Mannheim und damit gleichzeitig erstmals nach Deutschland gezogen, um mein Studium an der Universität Mannheim zu beginnen. Die Wohnungssuche erwies sich als schwierig. Leider habe ich damit zusammenhängend sehr schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht und habe bei dem Akademischen Auslandsamt der Universität Mannheim um Rat gebeten. Ich war besonders froh, als ich im Februar 2014 für ein Semester in das Gästehaus der Universität Mannheim einziehen durfte.

Als Erstes sollte genannt werden, dass sich die mir zugeteilte Wohnung in unmittelbarer Nähe der Universität befindet. Zu Fuß brauchte ich für den Weg höchstens 5 Minuten, und dies war für mich jeden Tag ein großer Vorteil, da ich mich in der Stadt noch nicht gut auskannte und teilweise noch spät Veranstaltungen hatte. Positiv aufgefallen ist mir auch, dass die Wohnung gut ausgestattet ist. Mein Zimmer war möbliert und in der Küche war alles notwendige vorhanden. Die Möbel sowie auch die Utensilien und die technischen Geräte waren in einem guten Zustand. Auch Handtücher und Bettlaken wurden bereitgestellt. Des Weiteren habe ich mich im Gästehaus sicher gefühlt, da es nur von Personen bewohnt wird, die mit der Universität in Verbindung stehen. Alle Bewohner, denen ich während meines Aufenthaltes begegnet bin, wirkten sehr nett. Auch die Tatsache, dass man das eigene Zimmer abschliessen konnte hat zu dem Sicherheitsgefühl beigetragen. Bei Besuchen in der Wohnung von Handwerkern oder ähnlichem wurde man im Voraus informiert. In der Wohnung wohnten noch zwei weitere internationale Studentinnen. Hier ist anzumerken, dass in Zukunft eventuell mehr darauf geachtet werden kann, dass die BewohnerInnen nicht so oft und nicht dauerhaft Besuch von mehreren Personen gleichzeitig haben, da es etwas laut werden kann. So hat es sich für mich als sehr nützlich erwiesen, dass das Gästehaus auch einen großen, schönen Aufenthaltsraum mit einem Gärtchen zur Verfügung stellt. In diesem konnte ich mich mehrere Male in Ruhe für Prüfungen vorbereiten und arbeiten.

Zusammenfassend bietet das Gästehaus sehr gut ausgestattete Wohnungen und eine angenehme Gemeinschaft mit einem freundlichen Personal. Ich hatte hier eine gute Zeit, da ich mit der Wohnsituation kaum Probleme hatte und durch den Aufenthaltsraum viel Ruhe hatte, um mich mit universitären Aufgaben zu beschäftigen. Ich hatte im Gästehaus der Universität Mannheim eine gute Zeit und bin sehr dankbar dafür, dass ich die Möglichkeit hatte, hier zu wohnen.

a great opportunity for students who want to sharpen their knowledge

Studying in Mannheim University is a great opportunity for students who want to sharpen their knowledge. The university offers the perfect environment for students to make use of it and reach their potential. One thing that first caught my attention is the university’s library. I have been to some universities around the world but none of them had a library as organized and beautiful as this one. I can easily say that it’s the best student library I have ever seen. There are also some labs that are equipped with the most up-to-date computers for all students to use. So, finding a comfortable place to study will not take long.

The city gives the opportunity of meeting new wonderful people which some of them become your best friends. People are kind and helpful around here. You could ask anyone for help and be sure that they will do their best to help you.

There are also some beautiful cities nearby for tourists as well. Heidelberg is one of those cities that attracts tourists from around the world. The city is not far from Mannheim. It is about 30 minutes by train.

One of the challenges I faced during my stay here is related to finding accommodation. Finding rent in Mannheim city is difficult and tiring. There are few places available inside the city regardless of their expensive fees. The only option you will be left with is to look for some place outside the city if you don’t mind waking up a bit too early and waiting to catch the bus. Nonetheless, with some planning ahead, 6 months on average according to the housing department, you will be able to find something that you will be comfortable with.                                                                                

Study Experience in University Of Mannheim

First of all, I am really thankful for Ekkehard Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship have helped me for my accommodation and financial status. I am very much obliged for this opportunity as this is given to selected people only and I am among those selected people.

I chose University of Mannheim for my Master’s Degree because of its reputation and ranking among the business schools in Europe. I am studying Masters in Business Informatics which have international recognition around the globe.

I came here on last September and it’s only been three months since I have been here. So I will be sharing my experience based on these three months interval of time. The most wonderful thing that I like about this university is the study environment that a student searches for. The library are spacious and quite nice place to study. People that come here are also professional which is good for us because we can get professional interaction with our colleagues. At the initial time of my study, I was pretty confused about the buildings and places around the university. I have difficult time to find the lecture rooms and building as they were only block names. The reason for not able to find places was because I was late for my enrollment and missed the orientation that is provided by university.

The course structure is pretty flexible here. You can choose your specialization track and plan your courses on your own. It is really important that we get to learn how to plan things so that we can achieve our career goals. The university faculty are pretty helpful too and I can go, talk to them and share my queries and problem with them. The courses are pretty challenging too. The projects and courses we have to manage these both parts at the same time which will definitely help us in the future with career perspective. With professional knowledge I am also able to get some informal knowledge from the university like planning, coordination with team members and maintaining good relationship with everyone.

As it has only been three months since I have commenced my study here in University of Mannheim I still have to explore more about the opportunity that I can get. The University of Mannheim have met my expectation till now and I hope it will exceed my expectations in coming time.